Thursday, May 25, 2017

Vacationing in the Dominican Republic

Excellence Punta Cana All Inclusive Resort April 5-12, 2017
We hadn’t been to this resort since 2005 so we were anxious to see if it had changed.  Upon our arrival we found these swans on our bed, along with a welcome bottle of champagne, and a Happy Anniversary banner on our door.  We were celebrating our 32nd anniversary.
On the first day we quickly got into participating in the games around the pool.  Those that had the highest score for a game were asked to get on stage during that night’s entertainment to receive their awards.  Hank got a bottle of rum… good job Hank!
The entertainment every night was fantastic .  They had a really good Michael Jackson impersonator, circus acts, disco night, beach party, broadway show, newlywed game, and a few more.  Here are a couple of pictures from the shows.
Circus Show
Disco Night
Beach Party
This was the main pool that meandered throughout the property.  The resort only had 1 swim-up bar, which was a wild and crazy place to be in the afternoon.
On our 2nd evening we met this awesome couple, Rob & Denise from New York.  We really hit it off with them and hung out with them for the rest of the week.  They were so much fun, really funny and we had a lot in common.
One day we were all hanging out at the pool under a palapa having a great time.  Three of the Entertainment Staff joined us and the fun & laughter continued.
Rob even got a foot massage from one of the girls!
I wore this dress one night and what are the odds that Denise has the same exact dress?!?!?  It would have been hysterical if we both wore it on the same night… LOL
We were always joining in the pool activities & games, it was fun!  Unfortunately Rob is accident prone and we found this out from the stories they told us.  A couple days before they left Rob took a nasty fall getting out of the pool while flying through the air trying to save an errant volleyball.  So pour Rob was out of commission for most activities, except drinking… his arm still worked (as you can see in this photo)!!!!  LOL  
Rob & Denise Flores
We played billiards most every day.
They had many animals on the property, which of course I enjoyed so much!
Birds1birds5 (2)Birds5
These ducks are so used to people that the mommy didn’t even mind that we got close to the babies and fed them.  I was also able to pet them.
We only saw one kitty the entire week.  We usually see many cats on the properties, but not this time.
These flamingos were soooooooooo cool!!!  They came right up to me and ate out of my hand!!
More activities at the pool side.  Free 10 minutes massages and jewelry making.
They had this rinky dink 9 hole mini putt-putt course, but it was fun to compete against each other.  I kicked Hank's ass as usual.  
Every ground level room had a hammock on their patio,
this was ours.
Games at pool side
They had a neat garden area with statues and flowers growing out of rocks and tree trunks. 
Secrets Royal Beach All Inclusive Resort
April 12-19
After spending 7 nights at Excellence, we transferred to Secrets for another week.  It’s nice to mix up the resorts when they are so close together, to experience what each resort has to offer.
Boo-hoo… torrential rain on our first day.  We didn’t see any rain at the other resort all week, guess we lucked out there.  So we just hung out and had lunch while we waited for our room to be ready.

We've been going to the Caribbean since 1996 and it's the worst (consistent) wind we've seen and it was unusually cool.  I was very glad that I decided to pack a long sleeved tee shirt at the last minute because I wore it every day to stay warm!!!
Day of Arrival
One of the very few desserts I had during our 2 week vacation.  I made up for it with champagne in the morning and an after dinner drink as a night cap.  OMG, I’m sure my sugar levels were out of this world!! 
They had this really cool bubble machine at the main pool that they bring out a couple times a week at the main swim up pool bar.  They do it late in the afternoon when everyone is shit faced and the crowd goes crazy dancing in the bubbles and singing along with the songs.
Weekly Beach Party
I enjoyed participating in a few daily beach activities, like paddle boarding, dance lessons, beach aerobics and horse shoes.

Got to know the bartenders at the main bar.
The beach was HUGE just like the previous resort, we could walk forever.
These turtles in a nearby river on the property loved us because we fed them.  The more bread we tossed out to them, the more they came.  At any given time we could see a couple dozen of them.  
On Easter Sunday they had a party on the beach with food, cake, candy, and bunnies of course!

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