Thursday, May 25, 2017

Kaia Korner

Kaia Logo
We always pack the house on Saturday Power Hour classes. This day in February we had over 50 people working their booties off.
Feb 25, 2017 Power Hour
Here I am holding a plank at the Re-Grand Opening celebration (new location) on March 25th.   We had over 80 people participate in the workout and festivities.
Re-Grand Opening - March 25, 2017Re-Grand Opening Kaia FIT Roseville-March 25, 2017
Run Rocklin 5K, 10K, & Half Marathon Races
April 2, 2017
Several of the Kaia girls ran in this race and we represented Kaia FIT Roseville well.  Michele earned 1st place in her age group in the half marathon, I got 1st place in the 5K and Karen got 2nd place in the 5K in our age group.
This is my third official 5K race and I’ve earned 1st place in my age group in two of thoses races (the other race I came in 5th)!  Considering I’m not a runner, I was very excited to even place!
 1st place
Karen, Michele, Me
Here are my stats from the race.
Official StatsRunKeeper Stats
So great to see that Finish banner and to survive the race!!
Christina & Me after the race
Karen & I were so excited for placing 1st and 2nd we were jumping up and down with glee.
Karen 2nd place, Me 1st placeKristina, Tracey, Christina, Rhona, Karen, MeKaia Group
After the race several of us girls went to a brunch to honor Michele, who was going to run in the Boston Marathon on April 17.  She was so strong and completed the marathon, we were all so proud of her.
Brunch after the race
May 20th Power Hour at the park… hill repeats, running, boot camp kick ass workout!!  We rocked it!!
Power Hour at the Park-May 20, 2017

Week of May 22 – 27 = BRIK HELL WEEK

May 22, 2017-Hell Week, Camo Day
HELL WEEK  Day 1 = Camo Day
May 22, 2017 handstand hell weekMay 22, 2017-Hell Week, Charlie's AngelsMay 22, 2017-Hell Week, Muscles
HELL WEEK  Day 5 - All Black = A funeral for the fat

Here are a couple of video workouts.  This software hasn't allowed me to post video's in a long time, so hopefully this will work this time.  You may have to click on the arrow twice to play (at least that's what happened during my testing).
Sledge Hammer

Golf Swing (kinda)

Reverse Pull-Ups

Flipping a HEAVY Tire

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