Saturday, December 24, 2011

Kauai – October 10–24, 2011

We had sooooooooo much fun in Kauai with Rodger & Kim.  We did lots of sight seeing, hiking, kayaking, snorkeling, saw waterfalls, went on a catamaran cruise and saw dolphins and much more…. like roosters, more roosters, and more roosters!  Between Kim & I we took over 900 pictures, so it was very hard to only select a few to show you.  It’s so beautiful in the islands, I never want it to end.
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On the catamaran cruise to the NaPali coast, we saw so many dolphins and they followed our boat for a long time!  It was so exciting to see them right under us.  We saw a baby with the mommy and also saw one that was injured and had a bloody hole in it’s side.
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This is an endangered monk seal that came up on the beach to rest from it's journey.  They do this sometimes and they have a staff of volunteers to make sure they are not disturbed by anyone.  It was very interested talking to the volunteers and to get educated on the seals.
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This was one of our hiking adventures.  The only way to get here is to kayak to a certain area then hike in to the falls, about a 45 minute walk IF you don’t get lost like we did!  It was an adventure for sure.
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Waimea Canyon is the mini Grand Canyon and it is nothing less than spectacular!!  We were there on an overcast day so the pictures are hazy looking, but still beautiful.
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Wailua Falls
The chickens and roosters have taken over the island and they are EVERYWHERE!!!!  They are in the parking lots, people’s yards, beaches, on park benches, on the highway… you name it and they are there.  They have rooster crap to buy in all the stores… No thanks, I saw & heard enough of them when we were there.  But I have to say that some of them are beautiful with all the colors.
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Hanalei Valley Lookout
Hanalei Valley LookoutIMG_3916
Don’t know what this is but it was so unique I wanted to take a picture of it.
Check out the roots on these trees!
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We climbed and conquered the “Sleeping Giant” and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.  It’s a 2 hour hike straight up a mountain and it’s well worth the time and effort.  You are rewarded with spectacular views.  It’s called the Sleeping Giant because from ground level it looks like a giant that is on his back sleeping.  You can tell from this picture that we are very sweaty from the hike.  The hike can be a bit scary at times, but as long as you take your time and be careful it’s not bad.
Climbing The Sleeping Giant mountain 2 miles straight up
These are some of the views you get at the top.
For the more adventurous people (like us), you can continue and climb up a steep hill.  You’re rewarded with more views and a hole in the mountain that pushes cold air through it and it’s a bit of heaven’s air conditioning after the hot hike up the mountain.  Here’s the view from that area.  The next photo is the actual hole.
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On the way down the mountain a rain storm was coming towards us but we made it to the car just as it started to sprinkle.
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