Saturday, December 24, 2011

Catta Bella Ladies Invitational Golf Tournament, September 8–10, 2011

This tournament is so much fun to participate in.  It starts of Thursday night with registration, cocktails & munchies and a really fun putting contest.  This year’s theme was “Jungle” and everything was decorated so cute, even the bathrooms were all decked out.
This is our awesome team…  Debbie, Sabrina, Susan & Kathy and we WON low gross.  These crystal vases are gorgeous!
Best Gross Win
My cart partner Susan & I didn’t win anything at the putting contest (in fact we were quite crappy), but we had fun anyway.
IMG_3694IMG_3695Our Team
Every tee box was decorated and this one had monkeys hanging from the trees… too cute!
We also had alligators on the course!
Our Team 2IMG_3698Our Team 3Susan, Kathy & Sabrina

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