Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Babysitting Our Little Monkeys

September 16-19th

Jimmy & Jessica were able to spend a few days relaxing and celebrating their 17th Anniversary, while we spent some quality time with the boys.  And those boys kept us busy!!

They love to get dressed up and they do this on a regular basis.

We took the kids to Forest Home Farms and they loved it.  It’s a 16-acre historical farm in San Ramon.  They have horses, a tractor museum, apple juice making, crafts, chickens, and more and it’s all for free!

The boys climbed all over the outdoor tractors, we couldn’t get them off!

They had dozens of old tractors on display.

Here are the boys making apple juice from fresh apples and the juice was very tasty!

Of course, swimming was involved and the boys seemed to love the showers just as much as the pool… go figure!

The coolest park  is Rancho San Ramon Community Park.  If you live in that area, take your kids there!

We also took them to Rockin Jump.  They spent 2 hours there and it was NOT long enough for them, they wanted more.

We tired them out!

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