Monday, September 27, 2010

Our Vacation to Missouri to visit Kim & Rodger

We had so much fun with Kim & Rodger last year in Missouri that we just had to make a return visit this year. We spent June 22 - 30 with our wonderful friends in the Lake of the Ozarks. It was a very relaxing trip. We just hung out, talked, ate and played games. We needed it after all the "stuff" that we've been going through the past year.

One day when we were riding around the lake in their boat, we stopped at Franky & Louie's and had lunch... it seems like we're always eating!!!

One night we ate dinner at a restaurant on the lake and we a great view from our table. As you can see from my hair, it was very windy that night.

Some of the sunsets from their balcony were so pretty.

This walk almost killed us!! It was around 500 degrees with the humidity and we went for an hour morning power walk... and I thought they liked us?!?!?!? Maybe it was their way to say 'go home'... LOL

Most of you know that I hand craft my own greeting cards and use many different embellishments on them. Kim had a ton of buttons that she didn't want, so she gave them to me to use on my cards. THANK YOU KIM!!

This is the name of their 'BIG' boat... it's a very nice boat and so much fun!!

This is our little summer house... HA-HA-HA. This house is as big as a fricken castle for God's sake. Can you imagine how much it costs to heat and cool it?*! And there are a bunch of other HUGE houses on the lake, all over the place.

Here's our captain and his first mate.

When the first mate is busy chatting with Kathy, Hank steps in.

We have sooooooooooo much fun on the boat.

What would a Roos/Almeida adventure without a 'friendly' game of bowling... it's a tradition. This little tiny bowling alley "Balls to the Wall" had popcorn for 25 cents, soda for 50 cents and beer for a buck. We paid $5 up front and 25 cents per game...what a deal! Gotta love these little hick towns.

We spent several days just floating on the water to cool off... it was HOT.

This is Ha Ha Tonka State Park and the Robert McClure Snyder home. This guy bought over 5,000 acres and built this huge house in 1905... do you think he was rich or what!! There's an interesting story about the house as time went on, but eventually it was destroyed by a fire in 1942 and this is what remains today.

Here is a view of the lake from one of the walking trails at the state park.

Yep, you got it... I'm short and they are TALL.

Eating AGAIN at a fun place that has "stuff" all over the walls (a conversation piece). They serve peanuts and you throw the shells on the floor.

You can't really tell the size of their water craft from this picture, but all 3 are in this picture. They have a wave runner (SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN), a ski boat, and a BIG cruiser.

Kim and I are ready to drop the wave runner into the water and go have some fun... we named HER "Thelma" (as in Thelma & Louise).

What would our adventure be without playing Chicken Foot Dominos... check out that foot!

I just can't tell you how much fun we have together!!

We fed the duckies every day... they love dog food. This is a mommy and her 7 babies (that are now teenagers).

Lake of the Ozarks have lots of different town names. Just to name a few... Sleeper, Climax Springs, & Tightwad... too funny.

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