Sunday, July 26, 2009

Babies Logan & Sofia Have Arrived

The past couple of years sure has been the time for baby blessings. The latest 2 babies to join us are Logan and Sofia.

Logan James Hunt was born on July 14, 2009 at 11:54 am at 7 pounds and 19 1/2" long. The proud parents are our neighbors, Tony & Philippa Hunt. As soon as we saw little Logan, Hank & I both said he looks just like Tony. He'll be a race car driver just like his Daddy.

Check out this adorable baby announcement that the Hunt's received as a gift from a friend. They've had it on their front lawn for the past 10 days. Apparently you can rent these customized signs... how cute is that!!!!

Logan has quite the personality.

This is Sofia Giuliana Russo, born to Tom & Marisa Russo. Marisa is Jessica's cousin.
She was born on July 23, 2009 at 8:32 am, 7lbs 11oz, 21". We have been told she has Marisa's nose.

We welcome these two precious babies into our world.

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