Saturday, August 1, 2009

My Latest Card Designs and Codi's Weekly Event

Here are the latest cards I made at my monthly "technique" class. The leaves on this first card are heat embossed, which I just learned how to do. The oriental lady was made with a punch, which I do not have, but I can wing it by cutting it out by hand. The green background was made from the Big Shot with a dry embossing template which I also do not have. So some of these great cards I am making I cannot reproduce at home because I don't have the proper tools to make them... but they sure are fun making in class.

This card was also created with a Big Shot dry embossing template. The Big Shot is on my Christmas list!!!!

I just love this card; the first masculine card we've made. It's heat embossed, colored in with pens, and I learned how to mask (which is where the sun meets the yellow & orange background). Although it looked complicated to me at first, this is so easy to make and something I can do without a lot of special items. I was so excited I just went out and bought the heat tool for embossing.

Codi is really slowing down these days, but she loves her walks and bringing in the Sunday newspaper every week. This was Codi last Sunday but before she brought in the paper you can see she had to stop to check out Stanley (the cat across the street) and when she was ready, she brought in the paper and got her treats.

This is Codi's favorite bear that squeaks that she's had for many years. I can put her toys on her and she walks around with them on her back... too cute. Although she cannot hear the squeaky any more because she is deaf, she still knows where it is and still squeaks it. We guess that she can feel the vibration. She is just so cute and patient with Mommy!!!

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