Sunday, February 9, 2014

Miscellaneous Stuff

We love partying with our neighbors, Dallas & Patti, Leo & Leah, they are all so awesome.  We get together at each other’s house  during the year to get caught up on what we’ve all been up to.

Patti, Dallas, Kathy, Hank Sept 20, 2013DSCN1918_0001DSCN1924_0001DSCN1926_0001Kathy, Hank, Dallas, Patti, Jan 19, 2014Dallas, Patti, Jan 19, 2014Kathy, Hank Jan 19, 2014

We spent the evening together on New Year’s Eve and had a lovely prime rib dinner at Leo & Leah’s.


The guys could NOT get the bottle of champagne open no matter how hard they tried.  Leo finally got some pliers and that did the trick… LOL

IMG_1061IMG_1062IMG_1057The GroupIMG_1055Celebrating

Here are some of the cards I’ve made over the past few months.

IMG_0307End of School June 2014IMG_0309IMG_0805IMG_0806IMG_0809IMG_0837IMG_0838IMG_0842IMG_0811IMG_0844IMG_1205IMG_1207IMG_1209IMG_1211IMG_1213IMG_1216Ink on clear block & punch out 1Spring, Easter 1, 2014Teacher Appreciation 2014

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