Wednesday, February 12, 2014

November, December & January Adventures

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving family gathering at Jan’s house in San Francisco.  Back row left to right: Jessica, Hank, Jimmy, Alex, Rae, Mike, Pami, Kathy.  Front row left to right: Charlie, Jan, Joey, Hank’s Dad & his wife Ida, Lizzy


Love seeing the generations… oldest 90, youngest 2 1/2IMG_0766

Hank carving the meat.  And NO, we did not make fun of him… really we didn’t!!  Are you kidding me, almost all of us were in the kitchen laughing.

The kids had their own table and they thought they were hot stuff being away from the adults…LOL
The desserts were awesome and so darn cute!!!  Jessica is so talented!


I prepared cards for the kiddo’s to make.  I pre-cut the turkeys and the kids put them together.  They really enjoyed the craft and proudly showed off their cards.  If you click on the photo you can see the details.  Notice that Alex’s card (he’s only 2 1/2 years old) is almost perfect.  I think his Mommy helped him out a little too much!  I helped the other kids if they needed it, but they did most of it themselves…. so cute!


Here’s our BIG December 7th event in our little town of Lincoln… SNOW!!!!  Considering we’re only 167 feet above sea level, it was a big deal… LOL

Snow Dec 7, 2013 Backyard

Christmas this year was at Jim & Jessica’s.  There were 10 of us and we had a great big slumber party, it was so much fun!  Of course the kids were bouncing off the walls because of the excitement of the presents and all the sugar!


I loved the feather wine glass identifiers… just so girly.  Leave it to Mike to be the “Photo Bomber” but notice that he also has a feather.

Again, leave it to Mike to be the biggest kid too!


Nothing better than a pillow fight!


The kids enjoyed making a gingerbread house and they got very creative with their designs.  Although little Alex ate more candy than he did creating.  I’m surprised he didn’t get sick!


Umm… do you really think they need more sugar Jimmy?!?!?!  The kids loved the chocolate whip cream… can you tell?


Remember that big kid I talked about earlier… well here he is again!



Cynthia, Denise, Sheila, Julene, Marcia
January 24th was our girls get together and we had a blast!  Once we realized that no one should be driving and everyone would spend the night, it’s like the party started all over again!  After lots of laughter & partying, we all went to bed around 1:30am.  The funny thing is that the party started all over again the next morning… more laughter, great conversations, lots of coffee, and a few hang overs.  It’s a good thing we only do this a couple times a year!!


Charlie Turned 8 Years Old

Man this kid is growing up just too darn fast… can’t believe he’s 8 already!!  His party was at Pump It Up in Morgan Hill, a favorite of the kids.  They spent 2 hours running around, bouncing, and playing.  We had to remind them to drink water because they were non stop!!



Check out this Lego cake that Jessica made, it was AWESOME!!  All the Lego’s were edible and they looked so real.  The kids were really impressed and everyone wanted one of those Lego pieces.

Jimmy is the little guy in the center when he was a very young boy.

Jim & Alex are twins 2

This is his son Alex last year… THEY ARE TWINS!!!!

Jim & Alex are twins 1