Monday, June 10, 2013

Homemade Cards

Keith BD 2013Alex 2nd BD

I feel I need to explain this card for Lizzy’s 5th birthday.  She’s currently into Hello Kitty and Ninja Turtle.  Therefore I found an image where the two characters were combined.

Lizzy's 5th BD, she likes Ninja Turtle & Hello Kitty

I think she liked the card from the expression on her face.  Considering most kids care less about the card and go straight for the present, I think Vovo got a thumbs up on this one.



El Dorado Wine Tour Passport Weekend - April 13–14, 2013

We enjoyed a beautiful, relaxing weekend wine tasting in El Dorado with George & Carol.  The weather cooperated this year!


We had beautiful views of the Sierra snow capped mountains


Tasting “future” wines from the barrels… always interesting, some good & some not so good


There is never a shortage of resident doggies and of course I will always find those cute puppies and just love them!  No, I’m not an animal lover… nothing like that!!

Doggie 1aDoggie 3Doggie 4Doggie 5

Some of these wineries have received ton of awards, just check out these ribbons!


The wineries always have a different “theme” and they do it up right with the decorations, food, and back drops.


We saw this mean looking guy on the road and had to stop to take some pictures.  Carol & I got really close to him (of course there was a fence in between us and him) and he was really scary even with the fence.


Most of the wineries have really good food and lots of it.  We had a meal planned at home each night but after eating all day at the wineries we didn’t even need dinner.


Some miscellaneous stuff

We had a turkey in our backyard… that’s a first for us.  It was fun to watch it walk around and jump up/down on the fence line.
Turkey in back yard April 21, 2013

We got these pictures from a neighbor that has lived at Catta Verdera since 2005 when these houses were built.  Our house is the far right one under construction (click to enlarge and see the arrow over the house).
Back of our house 2005Back of our house pre-tile roofBack of our house tile roof installed
This is the entry where the gate is.Catta Verdera Main Entrance Dec 2004

Do It Yourself–May 2013

DIY Logo with Border

Front Foyer Face Lift
Although last year we cleaned up the front foyer area, planted 2 trees and a couple other plants, it was time to tear out the plants we hated and replace them with more attractive plants.  Of course it will take a while for the plants to get established and grow, but it should look good in a year or two.

Right side before

1 Right side before clean up

Right side after clean up

2 Right side after clean up

Right side with new plants

3 Right side after planting (2)

Left side before

4 Left side before clean up

Left side after clean up

6 Left side after clean up

Left side with new plants

7 Left side after planting

The ground here has more rocks than dirt!  This is a huge rock that we dug up that weighs almost as much as me!

Biggest rock too heavy to carry

This is another rock that was quite large, but not as big as the grand daddy above.

Biggest rock we pulled out of groundSecond biggest rock 1

These are some of the rocks that we dug up.

Some of the rocks we dug out