Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Almeida Family Christmas in January

We had a wonderful time the weekend of January 13th.  Hank took me out to breakfast for my birthday, then we drove to the Bay Area, went to the theater and saw War Horse, then we attended Joey’s winter school performance.
That night Joey had his Christmas singing event with his classmates.  These kids were adorable, especially Joey!!  We could hear him over the other kids and he was so animated… too cute.  Joey is the kid in middle pointing and holding the green jingle bells.  With a bunch of 3 year olds it was very interesting… some kids were petrified & screaming for their mommy, some were just staring and others actually sang!
The kids sang in one of the class rooms.  Check out these little tiny chairs that all the adults had to sit on… too fricken funny, but Papa didn’t mind and Alex had a good time with Papa.
Here’s a video of Joey, at times you can clearly hear him singing above the other kids… LOL
Joey singing his heart out at school
After Joey sang, we went to Red Robin for dinner and of course the kids got a balloon.  Alex (8 months) had so much fun with his balloon back at the house…. such a happy baby.
The next day we all went to Mike & Pami’s for our annual “January Christmas”.  We normally do this about 1-3 weeks after Christmas.  We rotate houses every 3rd year between ours, Pami, and Jimmy.  We have a January Xmas because understandably our  kids want to have their own traditions with their kids and with all the parents and in-laws, it just gets too crazy to try and squeeze everything in just 2 days (Xmas Eve & Xmas).  It works for everyone and we had a BLAST.
Lizzy has mastered her new bike and Charlie is awesome on his 2 wheel scooter.  It was a beautiful day and we spent a couple hours outside playing with the kids.
Here is Lizzy trying to “shake her bootie” with the hoola hoop.
Shake your bootie
The kids pulled out the Halloween costumes and got dressed up… Joey & Charlie looked so cute!
Here are the kids opening their stocking stuffers
OK Jimmy… whatever!!
We had a wonderful dinner, fun opening stocking stuffers & gifts and playing with the kids.  After the kids finally got to bed late, the adults got changed into our PJ’s and we were ready for our slumber party!!!  The girls ended the night dancing to the Wii in some fierce competition… it was sooooooooooo much fun!!!  We finally went to bed around 12:30.
The next morning the guys made breakfast and it was great.

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