Saturday, October 2, 2010

Catta Bella Ladies Invitational - September 9 - 11, 2010

I played in the Catta Bella Ladies golf tournament in September. The theme this year was New York, New York. It started off with a putting contest Thursday night with competition play on Friday and Saturday. Here's our awesome team.

Sabrina, Susan, Kathy, & Debbie

Sabrina & Debbie have a really LOW index's... and then there's Susan and me.... really HIGH index's. Susan & I got lots of pops on the holes to "even us out" on the score card.

Sabrina & Debbie = Our awesome bosses, we did whatever they suggested as far as reading the greens, strategy plays, etc.

One of the par 3's was decorated as the Empire State Building; notice the ape is holding a Barbie doll... too funny.

We wanted to have a team name, so we called ourselves the "Waybish" team (two last names put together). We had such a good time that I was already invited back next year to play on the Waybish team... these girls are so cool.

Wherever I go I always see "Hank's" name on something... go figure. And that's the year I was born!

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