Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Codi's Life

In Remembrance of Codi

Born April 23, 1996
Went to Heaven April 11, 2010

Codi passed away just 12 days before her 14th birthday. We had just returned from a two week vacation and she started showing some very concerning signs, such as loss of appetite, diarrhea, confusion and she looked so sad as if she was in a lot of pain. We knew something was going on internally, so we took her to the emergency room Sunday night. After an examination and discussion with the doctor, we agreed it was time for Codi to go to heaven. We knew this day would come because she was getting so old and frail, but it was so hard to say goodbye.

A special thank you to Tony & Philippa for taking care of Codi during our vacation.

This is a tribute to our best friend who had unconditional love for us. She brought so much love and happiness into our lives. We miss her very much and we will always treasure the wonderful moments we shared.

Here is message we received from Jimmy & Jessica, thank you for this!

We are so sorry to hear about Codi : ( There are really no feel good words. My heart is heavy for you and for her. It's so hard when life throws you such a tough decision. One day you're fine and the next you get a curve ball. We understand how you are feeling. We know it feels like you just lived your nightmare and the grief is overwhelming... but we wish you better days of being able to think of Codi and smile. For now, we wish you some peace in knowing that when that little girl came into your life, there was no knowing what kind of life she would have been handed. When we opened up that car and you met her for the first time, I think she already knew she found the best two people to give her that life. And indeed, you gave her all the love a little dog could ever wish for and more. Better than most. You guys will be in our thoughts and prayers. We are SO sorry. We will miss her. Love you.

This message is from Marisa. Thank you Marisa because you are one of the people responsible for putting Codi in our lives. Marisa sometimes fosters animals from the Humane Society until homes can be found.
Jimmy just told me about Codi... I am so very sorry! Just try to remember what joy and happiness she brought you and how you saved her so many years ago and gave her a wonderful life! Hang in there!

We would like to share Codi's life with you...

In early June of 1996, the kids brought over this adorable little 6 week old puppy from the Humane Society. They opened the car door and she came running over to us like she already knew us. I laid on the lawn and she cuddled up next to me; it was the strangest thing. We all said it was meant to be. We adopted her and the 3 of us started our fun life journey together.

It was hard to select just a few pictures from over the years, but here are some cute photos that we hope you will enjoy.

This is Codi's first Frisbee... it didn't last long!

Codi wasn't always the "cute little puppy". There was one day we came home from work and she had chewed all the automatic sprinkler valve wires down to the valve. Hank was sooooooooooo mad at her. Too bad we didn't get a picture of it... LOL now that we can look back at it... but not so funny then.

Hank always said I was mean to dress her up, but she didn't mind and she was always so patient. She would always just pose for the pictures... way too cute!

Codi and I are trying out my new sleeping bag I got for Christmas one year.

(sorry about the orientation of the photo; sometimes this site has a mind of it's own)

I had my bear slippers on and Codi just came right up and stuck her head in between my feet. I just happened to have my camera near by and snapped this darling picture.

More dress up pictures

Here's Codi at 3 1/2 months playing Frisbee with Daddy

I still have this picture framed in our house... 14 years later.

3 1/2 months

Tigger and Codi loved each other and were always excited to get kitty and puppy treats. Here are the little pigs waiting for a snack.

Gee whiz Mom... enough with the dress up!!!!

Codi was with us all the time and had to check everything out. She looks really comfy in our tent.

Codi loved to surround herself with her favorite beloved squeaky friends. She would constantly pull her toys out of her toy basket and would arrange them around her bed so she felt comfortable. The green bear was her first true love, which was followed by the "wild about you" tiger. Third ranking was the snake (not pictured) from Abby Jan.... just to name a few.

We trained Codi when she was a baby to carry and bring things to us. It was well worth her time and effort because she LOVED the puppy biscuits she got as a reward. She would bring in the mail every day and all the neighbors knew of the neighborhood dog mail carrier. They would always comment to us how cute she was. She helped us bring in the groceries every week as well as the Sunday newspaper. She would bring stuff downstairs on a regular basis; such as a shoe or sweatshirt. She's such a good puppy!!!

Codi's ready for her walk to the park.

She's just showing off to the neighbors here. She wore her purple bandanna (which of course matched her purple collar) often on her walks.

Here is a scrapbook that I started last year representing Codi's life. I will finish it this year.

Here's Codi in action "helping" with bringing in the groceries. Check out how cute she is!

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