Tuesday, December 7, 2010

October and November Adventures 2010

We had the opportunity to babysit Charlie & Lizzy from November 8 - 12 and we had lots of fun with the kids. Pami had to travel to London on business and Mike needed help with the kids, so Hank & I went to Morgan Hill. We took care of the kids during the day and Mike took over at night after he got home from work. We made dinner so Mike didn't have to worry about it and Mike gave the kids their baths and read to them.
One day Charlie had a "cowboy" & share a farm animal day at school, so we got his outfit together and the little cowpoke went off to school with his stuffed horse to share. He looked so cute.
Lizzy didn't want to be left out so she picked out her clothes that day and insisted on dressing herself... LOL
We went to Baskin Robins and had yummy chocolate ice cream.

We did lots of crafts and played with the kids doing Lego's, painting, "fast ball", puzzles, making insects and more! Both Charlie & Lizzy made dragonflies and they turned out great!
Here's Charlie's dragonfly

This is Mike being a VERY BRAVE daddy. Almost every night he would take the cushions off the couch, lay them on his body and the kids would run over him!!! Needless to say the cushions need to be strategically placed on his body!! Better him than us, that's for sure!!!!

Daddy also doubled as the horsey on "cowboy" day

Charlie & Vovo made "chunky monkey pops" and they were sooooooooo yummy! I let Charlie do everything and he loved it. Chocolate pudding and chopped up bananas put into cups to make popsicles then freeze them and walla... a great snack or dessert.
Lizzy got time out because she wasn't sharing with her brother... JUST KIDDING!!!! She & Charlie had fun putting themselves in Jake's crate.

The kids wanted to dress up one day when we were playing in the "play room"

We went to the park 3 times and had so much fun each time. The kids wore me out running, running, running, and more running in the field and that was after playing on the playground.

Here are some of the cards I've made over the last couple of months

I'm trying something new; and that's coasters. It's been a real trial and error using different media to color on the tiles, what works and what doesn't.... but I'm getting there. No two tiles are the same. After hand painting each tile, they are then sprayed with a sealer. I've tested them with hot and cold and they work great. I'm going to try and sell them so wish me luck! I've created a "company name", designed a logo, and set up an email account. Now I need to figure out the rest of the things to do to sell the coasters and my cards. It's hard finding the time when you're retired... hee-hee-hee. Here are a couple of the coasters I've made.
Sorry, Blogger turned these photos... it has a mind of it's own!

In October we got to babysit Joey for 2 days while Jim & Jessica had a "date night". He was good for us and we had a great time with him. Here he is walking with us to the park. He kept pulling his hat over his eyes... go figure.

We took him to the Bishops Pumpkin Farm in Wheatland and it is the BEST place for kids and adults. There is so much to do, train ride, pumpkin patch, hay ride, tons of stuff to climb on and in, food, petting zoo, a real RR train to walk through, live entertainment and much more. Joey picked out his own pumpkin and was very anxious to show it to Mommy & Daddy.
Notice the goat right behind Joey. Just before this picture was taken, the goat stuck his head out the window and he was right next to Joey. Darn it, we missed the photo op!!!!
Joey LOVED this fort. It was built in a square and he kept running around it over and over again. We had to drag him out of there! LOL

Out of all the animals in the petting zoo, Joey loved this HUGE pig and he didn't want to leave his side. He kept going back to him saying "PIGGY, PIGGY"!!! He liked petting him.

This baby was soooooooooooooo CUTE!!! Check out her collar.

Here's Joey as Batman
Fun at the park with Papa & Vovo

This is a mega phone at the park and it's really cool. Joey was at one end and we were on the other side of the playground at the other end. It's a fun thing for kids; Charlie & Lizzy like it too.
Joey helped us bring in the mail

The kids had fun on Halloween and they were so cute! Here's Joey dressed up as Woody.

Charlie & Lizzy had fun with their parents at the pumpkin patch.

Here's Logan next door with Bentley. Philippa made their bear and banana costumes... she's so talented and they adorable.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Good Friends

I just spent 5 days in the Bay Area and visited with some good friends. This is Becky and Holly, long time friends from grammar and high school.

I worked with this group of ladies at Adaptec and have been friends with them since the early 90's. We get together a couple of times a year. Oh yeah.... John (Cynthia's husband) who is also in the picture is officially "one of the girls" ... LOL

More Greeting Cards

Here are the latest cards I've made over the last few months. I just love learning new techniques and I have the BEST demonstrator, I learn so much from her.