Sunday, July 26, 2009

Babies Logan & Sofia Have Arrived

The past couple of years sure has been the time for baby blessings. The latest 2 babies to join us are Logan and Sofia.

Logan James Hunt was born on July 14, 2009 at 11:54 am at 7 pounds and 19 1/2" long. The proud parents are our neighbors, Tony & Philippa Hunt. As soon as we saw little Logan, Hank & I both said he looks just like Tony. He'll be a race car driver just like his Daddy.

Check out this adorable baby announcement that the Hunt's received as a gift from a friend. They've had it on their front lawn for the past 10 days. Apparently you can rent these customized signs... how cute is that!!!!

Logan has quite the personality.

This is Sofia Giuliana Russo, born to Tom & Marisa Russo. Marisa is Jessica's cousin.
She was born on July 23, 2009 at 8:32 am, 7lbs 11oz, 21". We have been told she has Marisa's nose.

We welcome these two precious babies into our world.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

American Century Golf Celebrity Championship - July 2009

This was our 4th year as volunteers for the Celebrity golf tournament. Hank's job as walking scorer and my job as standard bearer are the best jobs you can have. We get to walk the course side by side with the celeb's. Most of them are very nice people and we have a great time. Hank records the scores of each player and I carry the sign with their scores.

Here we are at the tee box on hole 14 working as Marshall's on Thursday. Not such a fun gig, but it's not too bad Marshaling on the tee box because you get to see everyone come through.

We ran into Emmit Smith (we had him last year) at the scoring tent, so I snapped a picture.
These are our good friends Norm & Pat Zimmerman, aka "VIP's", they practically run the whole darn tournament!!! They've been working the event for the past 20 years and are very experienced. Norm is my boss; he's the manager of the walking scorers. Pat is the manager of the hole reporters. They are the ones that originally asked if we wanted to be volunteers and got us our great jobs. Thanks Norm & Pat!!!

OK, here's Jim McMahon, AKA one of the biggest jerks on earth who thinks his you know what doesn't stink. He always dresses like this and plays with NO shoes... what's that all about?!?!? He looks like a pimp for God's sake!!!

You never see the guy without a drink in his hand... no wonder he plays like crap!

This was Friday, our 2nd day of work. Here's Hank in side the scoring tent with Dan Quinn (former NHL), Billy Joe Tolliver (former NFL quarter back), and Joe Theismann (former NFL all pro quarter back). These guys were all really nice and very serious golfers. Dan and Billy Joe were always on the leader board.

Here I am with Joe Theismann

Billy Joe Tolliver

This was Saturday and the only picture I got of all the guys together. Marcus Allen (hall of fame NFL running back), Jason Kidd (NBA all star), and you can barely see John Lynch (former NFL all pro-safety). Jason & John were really nice but I can't say that about Marcus.

Hank in the scoring tent with the group.

This is Jason Kidd on the 18th green.

John Lynch & Marcus Allen leaving the scoring tent.

18th green... one of the party holes

John Lynch & Hank

Teeing off on the 1st tee

On Saturday night they give the volunteers a party. They have a buffet dinner, sodas/beer/wine, and lots of prizes. We won two shirts, 2 bottles of wine, a hat, and some chotchkie's. We wanted the golf bag, golf clubs, or the 2 tee times at Edgewood... but we were not lucky enough this year.

Some of the 320 volunteers

These are pictures from Sunday and we had the BEST group... these guys were really nice.

Paul O'Neill (former MLB all star), Mike Shanahan (former NFL head coach; we had him 2 years ago), and Todd Heap (NFL all pro tight end).

Scoring tent

Hank & Todd going to the scoring tent

Hank, Todd & Kathy (Todd is REALLY tall... or maybe we're just really short)

Paul O'Neill

Todd & Mike

So here's Ray Ramano up close and personal... but not with us!!! We've been wanting to get Ray for the past 4 years, but we always miss his group by 1-3 tee times. As volunteers we earn free tickets to the event. This year we gave our tickets to our friends Hal & Debbie Martin. They befreinded Ray and hung out with him!! Here's just a couple pictures of Hal's family and Ray.

And last but not least... here is Charles Barkley with his crazy golf swing. Watch the video and he uses his "new" swing in the practice, but once he gets up to the ball it's back to his regular awkward swing. I guess all those golf lessons didn't help... LOL.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our Youngest Grandson Took His First Steps!!

Joey is ready to walk!!! His 1st Birthday party is August 8th and I'm sure he'll be walking all over the place by then. Once he learns what he can do, there is no stopping him. Check out the video.

Building Our Side Gate

On the left side of our house is where our shed is located with all of our lawn equipment and other 'shed' stuff. BUT, the gate to the back yard is on the right side of the house. Therefore, every time we do yard work in the front yard or need something out of the shed, we have to walk all the way around the house then back to the front and of course all the way around again to put it back. We've been wanting to install a gate on the left side for over 3 years. But you know how busy us retired people are, so we're now just getting around to it... LOL.

Here's the front fence view"before" the new gate.

... and this is the back fence view "before" the new gate.


This is Stanley helping out. He's the kitty that lives across the street and he comes to visit us often. He's a very nice cat that frequents all the neighbors front yards.

We had to dig a big hole to cement in a new post for the gate.
We're leveling the post and getting ready to cement it in. Then we had to cut the post and install the supports.

We used as many of the old boards that we could.

This is the construction of the new gate.

The finished product... and it is so much easier to access our equipment. It was only a $40 project and well worth the few bucks that we spent. Next we will continue with a cement walkway from the side to the front porch. We'll get to that when the 100+ weather gets the hell out of here!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Celebrity Golf Tournament is in July 2009

Hank & I are excited to be volunteers again for the American Century Championship in Lake Tahoe at Edgewood Country Club. The Tahoe Celebrity Golf week is July 14 - 19 and we will be up there for 5 days and will work 4 of those days. It's their 20th Anniversary so I suspect there will be even more hoopla than normal. This event is so much fun and we enjoy participating very much. They are having a special prize for one lucky volunteer that submits/shares their memorable moments looking back over the 20 years. We've only been working the event since 2006, but we submitted a picture of a plaque that we made from 2006.

Here's the plaque as we were building it.

Here's the finished plaque.

This is the picture of me and Scott Hamilton (professional figure skater) whom I adore.

Click on this link to read what we submitted and you can read all the other stories if you like.

Here's the link to the home page of the American Century Championship if you want to check it out

This was our adventure at the Celebrity Golf in 2008... lots of fun!!!
As soon as we get back from the 2009 event, I'll post more pictures.

We spent 4 days working the event and met some really nice people. Day 1 we were Marshall's at the putting green. Day 2 we scored for John O'Hurley (Mr. Peterman from Seinfeld, Dancing w/the Stars, Family Feud), Kevin Nealon (Saturday Night Live & films) & Trent Green (NFL Miami Dolphins). Day 3 we had Bode Miller (Professional Alpine Skiing), Herman Edwards (NFL head coach Kansas City Chiefs) & Terence Newman (NFL Dallas Cowboys Cornerback). Day 4 was Jason Taylor (NFL Miami Dolphins Defensive End & Dancing w/the Stars), Emmitt Smith (NFL Dallas Cowboys retired all pro-running back & Dancing w/the Stars) & Terence Newman (NFL Dallas Cowboys all pro-cornerback).

Here we are with Herman Edwards. Herm was the NICEST guy ever and we really enjoyed spending the day with him. I was trying to get a picture of him walking the course and he asked his caddy to stop and take a picture of Hank & I with him... and he instisted on holding the sign!!! He's too cool... considering sometimes you might get a celebrity that is above everyone else and too good to talk to us... the nobodies. We were paired up with Herman the previous year also and he actually remembered us, we couldn't believe it. Out of all the people he meets in any given year he remember us little guys... we were impressed.

Terrance Newman

John O'Hurley, Trent Green, Keven Nealon

John O'Hurley

Lance Armstrong - The really famous people have FBI and police officers WITH GUNS following and protecting them from excited fans.

This is inside the scoring tent where hank & the players go after the round to double check all the scores to ensure they all agree.

Ray Ramano

We can get really close to all the celeb's... it's so exciting! This is the tent where they come just before they tee off.

Terrance Newman graciously taking a picture with me on one of the tee boxes. He was soooooooooooo nice and we became quick friends.

Trent Green and Hank posing for the snap shot.

These are some of the 320 volunteers that they have each year. They throw the volunteers a party on Saturday night and they give away tons of good stuff. In 2008 we won two rounds of golf at Edgewood (a $300 value) and a boat ride on the Delta Queen across the lake to Emerald Bay. It was a very cool weekend enjoying our freebies.

Bode Miller

Brandi Chastain

This is the VIP tent where we go on Sunday, the last day of the event. Every thing is FREE, food & beverages and the celeb's really ham it up on this hole for the crowd.

I love this picture of me and Emmitt Smith.

Come back later to see the 2009 fun event.