Tuesday, October 2, 2018

August Stuff

August 4, 2018

So excited to have another “Girls Gone Wild Party”.  These long time friends are so much fun to be with…
I love you Julene, Cynthia, Marcia, Denise & Sheila!!!!


Joey’s 10th Birthday Weekend
August 10-13th

We enjoyed another crazy whirlwind weekend.  On Friday we drove to San Francisco to visit Hank’s sister Jan.  We had a nice visit, helped her fix a few things around the house, enoyed dinner at The Olive Garden and spent the night.

Aug 11, 2018
Their mother is buried in S.F. and we make it a point to visit Mom’s grave sight when we visit Jan.  We can’t believe how fast the time has gone by and that she’s been gone (in body) for 25 years, but she’s still with us in spirit!!

25 yrs-Aug 12, 2018

Saturday afternoon we drove to San Ramon to celebrate Joey’s 10th birthday, had a great time visiting with the family!

Look at these cute pups!!!
Cooper & Dash joined our crazy family a few months ago.

The kids had a blast as always.

We spent the night and the next morning met Hank’s Father & Ida in Dublin for his Dad’s 95th birthday!  He’s doing great for his age!!  I failed to get a photo though!  But here’s a picture from 2 months prior.

Stand Up Paddle Boarding – August 24th

Had such a great time with these lovely ladies.  Thank you Karen & Molly for a fun filled morning… looking forward to our next adventure!!!

Loved seeing so many deer that morning.


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