Saturday, September 8, 2018

June & July Was All About Family

Family Reunion – June 2018

Just look at these beautiful, wonderful, sweet GROWING children!!  We are so blessed to have them all together once again.  These were their ages at the time of this photo.

Matthew 22, Lauren 16, Charlie 12,
Lizzy 10, Joey 9, Alex 7


Glued at the hip… LOL

Michele, Jimmy, Pami (siblings)

Thank you for coming out from Arizona Michele.  Look at those beautiful smiles!

The Guys

It was special that they could make a stop to visit Abbey Jan in San Francisco before heading back to AZ.

June 10, 2018

Father’s Day

It was a great day to celebrate all the Father’s in the family, as well as celebrating Papa’s 73rd birthday.

4 Generations!!!


Babysitting Adventures with the Boys, June 10-16

This was the first time we had the boys for a week and man it was an adventure with such energenic kids!!  We were exhausted by the time they went home… LOL

Bedroom ready Check Mark

Crafts ready Check Mark

Some of our adventures and activities included:

Treasure hunt, Sacramento zoo, Folsom zoo, swimming, bocce ball, crafts, Jelly Belly factory tour, Lego & magnet building, science center, face painting, make Father’s Day cards, throw rocks down the hills, tour model homes, play board games, slime Friday, pizza/movie night.  I’m tired all over again just talking about it!!!

Repeat, 2 Weeks Later…
Watching Charlie & Lizzy, June 30 – July 7

We take care of Charlie & Lizzy every summer for a week and we sure keep them busy.  Hopefully the time they spend with us will be memories they will cherish as they get older.

Bedroom ready Check Mark

I’ve geared back on the crafts because Charlie & Lizzy are getting older and seem to be loosing interest, but I always have tee shirts for them to paint.

Here are some fun things we did with the kids:

Scavenger hunt, bocce ball, Rockin Jump, swimming, bake cookies, throw rocks down the hills, went to the theater and saw Incredibles 2, board games, tour model homes, play at local parks, SkyZone, glow in the dark monster mini golf, pizza/movie night, Sacramento Zoo, kayaking in Tahoe.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention we had Rocky too!

This was the biggest hit with all the kids, to throw rocks down the hills to see who’s rock would go the farthest.


Time for our “sippy cups”!!!!!!


Cousin Reunion - July 28

Here we are, the 6 remaining first cousins.  There were 8 of us but Doreen & Laura are now partying up in heaven.  I’m the baby of the group at 63, and Gerry is the oldest at 86.  There was only 1 guy out of 8 cousins… poor Tyke, he had to put up with all of us girls while growing up!!!
Tyke’s name is really Frank, but when he was a little kid he was all over the place causing havoc , so he got nicknamed “Tyke” and it stuck with the family for all these years!  We love you Tyke!!

IMG_8617 kathy
Here’s the gang with our significant others

Cover Photo 3491
This blast from the past photo was taken in 2003 at our 2nd cousion’s wedding.  We sure have a good time when we get together!!

Blast from the past-Gina's wedding Oct 4, 2003
The party started at 1:00pm and the bar is “OPEN”.  Our motto: “It’s 5pm somewhere in the world”… and it began.

Don’t know what in the hell Tyke is doing, but we’re having a great time!

First born and last born of the cousins.


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