Wednesday, October 24, 2012

May 2012

We did a little bit of work in the front foyer area just to spruce it up a little bit.  The more major work will have to wait until next spring.
This is the before picture of the left side.
1 Before
This is the after picture of the left side.  We planted a tree, added a vase, got rid of the dead stuff and trimmed the existing bushes.  We did this on both sides of the house.  The green things in the front will be pulled out next year because they are messy, but for now at least they give some color to the front.
4 After
The rocks are from just one hole that we dug for one tree.  It’s amazing how many rocks there are in this stupid ground… lot’s of work!!
These hedges are on both sides of the house and we don’t like them because there is no character or dimension.  We wanted to open it up a little so we took out areas and cut the hedge into individual bushes.
This is what they looked like before…7 May 2012 Pulling out bushes left side 2
and this is what they look like now.8 May 2012 Pulling out bushes right side 29 May 2012 Pulling out bushes right side 1
Totally not happy with the left side, so it’s a project we’ll have to attack next spring.  None of the plants are doing that great and again there is no character.  Here are the pics…
We had a bird that flew into our family room window.  I’m sure the poor thing must have staggered off and died somewhere, although we never found it.  Click on the pictures so you can see the impressions better... it tells the story.
2nd Bird into windowBird into window 1Bird into window 4
We enjoyed another really fun evening at our house with Peter & Kaija.  They had a visitor from Germany, Thomas, so he joined us too.  Always a good time…
KA, HA, Thomas, Kaija, Peter May 2012
Thomas brought these beautiful for me, he’s so sweetFlowers from Thomas
Thomas from Germany, Peter, Kaija May 2012
Our youngest little guy turned 1 year old in May and the party was great.  He had a blast “eating”, or shall I say destroying his cake… LOL
Here’s Alex having the time of his life…
Excited Birthday Boy

We also celebrated Lizzy’s 4th birthday the very next day!  The cousins birthdays are only a couple days apart, so we had the celebrations on the same weekend.IMG_5968
Of course the bounce house was a HUGE hit with the kids.

The day before the party we had a slumber party with 6 adults and 6 kids.   We all gathered around the fire pit where the kids made S’mores.  Then all the kids piled into a tent in the backyard while the adults had a few shots around the fire.  The next day we all helped set up for the party.  It was an all around GREAT weekend with family & friends.

Of course, what’s a birthday party without singing Happy Birthday
I’m a big girl now… I’m 4 !!!

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