Wednesday, October 31, 2012

June 2012

Peter & Kaija… Back to Germany
Peter & Kaija moved to Lincoln in 2008 and they leased the house across the street from us when we lived on Corsley Lane.  Peter was stationed here originally for 3 years as the German liaison to the US Air Force on the Euro Hawk project.  They ended up staying and additional year to complete his work.
We quickly became great friends and did all kinds of fun things with them over the years.  We are very sad that they have to move back to Germany and we will miss them terribly.
Charlie’s Graduation
This was Charlie on his 1st day of Kindergarten, and Lizzy’s 1st day of pre-school in 2011… exciting times! Look at their faces and how excited they were… just too darn cute!!
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Charlie had a great year in Kindergarten and he was so proud when he graduated in 2012.
Splash Dogs Is So Much Fun
We attend this event whenever it’s in town.  Anyone can enter their dog for the dock jumping to see what dog can jump the farthest.   The nationals are in Folsom in November, which should be great entertainment considering these are the serious dogs that are really good.
Lauren was staying with us and she had a blast watching and petting all the dogs.  She really liked getting wet as the dogs jumped into the water.
Matthew & Lauren
The kids flew out for their annual visit to CA.  It’s always great to have them here, so much to do in so little time!
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Of course Lauren and Vovo did some “girly” things like shopping, pedicures and card making.
Darn it, we can never get all 6 grandkids together at one time, it seems that there is always one person missing.
The U.S. Open, San Francisco
Jan bought tickets for us for the U.S. Open for Hank’s birthday.  It was a beautiful day but there were LOTS of people.
Beale Air Force Base
Another fun day with Peter & Kaija at Beale AFB.  Peter is a lieutenant colonel and gave us a private tour of the base.  Because of his high rank, we were able to tour areas that most people aren't allowed.  It was very interesting and we were able to talk to several people asking them questions about the projects they were working on.  We were not allowed to take pictures inside the hangers due to the high security, but we took a few outside on the tarmac.

We ended the day with a couple drinks and dinner at a local Wheatland (a little town north of us) "hole-in-the-wall” bar/restaurant that the locals frequent often.  A very casual place with good food and inexpensive drinks.  It’s so much fun to find these great places!!
Father’s Day
We had another great Father’s Day & birthday celebration.  Every year we celebrate all the Dad’s, as well as Jan & Hank’s birthday.
Check out Hank’s Dad’s black eyes… he just had eye surgery, poor guy.  The good news is that he can see great now!
Saying Goodbye to Wonderful Friends…
June 18, 2012
It was time to say goodbye (for now) to Peter & Kaija.  They had to move back to Germany.  We knew it would be a bitter/sweet day, and it was… of course more so for Kaija and me than the guys.
We had a wonderful evening until we really had to say goodbye.  It was so sad, lots of tears from the girls (while the guys just watched in silence and didn’t know what to do).
We made it through the night and have kept I touch, but we miss them so much.  We look forward to visiting them in Germany!!