Sunday, January 6, 2019

Kaia Korner

Kaia Logo NEW
For those of you that may not be too interested in looking at a bunch of photos of me working out and group photos of the ladies that I work out with, I thought I would share my story in hopes that it would be more interesting to you and why I post these.
I’ve been a member at Kaia FIT Roseville since January 2013!! It’s been 6 inspiring years of working out with the most amazing coaches and wonderful women at Kaia. I have learned so much about food and healthy eating, the correct way to lift weights, how to perform exercises properly, and most importantly… I believe in myself.
I did not discover Kaia until the age of 58, and now at 64, I feel I’m in the best shape of my life. Even though I’ve always been active, no other type of workout that I’ve done has transformed my body and my mind like Kaia has done for me. I work out 6 days a week, I’ve lost weight and inches, and lowered my blood pressure & cholesterol… it’s never too late to get started and try new things. I'm so much stronger and have more endurance than I ever had before.
Since I started at Kaia I have tried and conquered many new things that I had never done before, and also have accomplished a few things that I had not done since I was a kid, like hula-hooping and cartwheels. I found out I could still do those fun things! I have been introduced to boxing, burpees, pull-ups, rope climbing, hand stands, tire flips, a team pushing a car around a building, and beating the crap out of a huge tractor tire with a sledge hammer… just to name a few. I entered my first 5K race in 2015 and I came in 1st place in my age group! After that I ran three more 5K’s and came in 5th, 1st, and 2nd in my age group. Those are my biggest accomplishments considering I hate to run and I am not a runner…LOL!
Our awesome coaches are extremely knowledgeable and help us with understanding fitness and nutrition for healthy living. There is a variety of different workouts that are never the same, and the support from everyone is amazing to say the least. The Kaia women are truly a family, a tribe, and super supportive of one another. There is so much encouragement and comradery between everyone, no one is ever judged and the experience/journey is empowering. I have made many friends at Kaia, so a special shout out to all the wonderful coaches and the super supportive Kaia women that are dear to my heart.
These photos are in no particular order. 
April 21, 2018Bad Ass Strong-May 26, 2018December 31, 2018
You are stronger than you think
February 23, 2018d
We were kitties & devils for Halloween this year.
Halloween 2018
Pink Day during Hell Week (which happens 3 times a year), during this week the coaches kick our asses then kick us again!!
Hell Week Pink Day-Jan 24, 2018July 10, 2018
My goal here is to get perpendicular to the TRX, but I have not yet accomplished that because I don’t practice it enough!  This is a super hard move for me due to shoulder issues.
March 7, 2018-TRX Handstand
I do two 20 pound dumbbells for a bridge chest press on a regular basis, but I need assistance using two 25 pounds, that’s super heavy for me.
March 2018May 12, 2018Molly's BD-Jan 20, 2018b
These awards are for perfect attendance during BRIK, which is a 6 week session.  A member has to take a minimum of 5 classes a week for perfect attendance.  It consists of Hell Week, weekly Fit Tests, bi-weekly timed mile runs, and really hard workouts and challenges.
Perfect attendance-Jan-Feb 2018
I participated in Run Rocklin in April 2018, which I came in 2nd in my age group.  This was my 4th official race.
Crossing the finishing lineIMG_7604run rocklin
My super supportive running pals
Run Rocklin-2018
We had a big group at the event representing Kaia.
Run Rocklin-April 8, 2018The winners
I made the local eNews in Rocklin… yeah me!!!  I have no idea how I was chosen as the poster child out of over a thousand racers, but this photo (from when I ran the Run Rocklin race in 2017) showed up in the November 2018 issue when they were advertising for the upcoming Sunset Run.  Go figure that they chose a person who hates to run… LOL
Run Rocklin 2017-On The Cover City of RocklinRocklin eNews-Nov 2018
September 3, 2018September 10, 2018Thanksgiving Day-Nov 22, 2018
This was on Christmas Eve 2018 for a 6AM 3 mile run with some Kaia friends.  I thought I was crazy to run with these lovely ladies because they run all the time and are experienced and trained in running.  I was able to keep up and ran almost the whole time, although I had to stop a couple of times for a few seconds. 
Dec 24, 2018-6am 3.5K runDecember 11, 2018 - TwinsDecember 18, 2018

Closing Out 2018

Christmas Celebration – December 15-16, 2018

We enjoyed an early Christmas at our house with the kids and grandkids.  Every third year we rotate houses and this year it was our turn to host Christmas.  It was another whirlwind, crazy, and wonderful 2 days with lots of stuff crammed into it.

We managed to take some family photos, took 2 walks, visited the puppy down the street, went to the big hill so the kids could throw rocks down it, opened stocking stuffers, ate a lot of good food, and opened gifts… and it was all over before we knew it!!

The beds were ready to welcome the kiddos.

They were excited to see their goodies.
IMG_0191 (1)

It didn’t last long… LOL

Here are a few of the appetizers we enjoyed, which went nicely with the other variety of food we had… antipasto platter, artichoke dip, crackers, linguisa, chips & dip.

For dinner we had oven brined chicken, tri-tip, scalloped potatoes, green salad and broccoli… yummy!!  For dessert we had an ice cream bar with all the toppings… double yummy!!

Forgot to brings the stockings… no worries, we know how to improvise… HAHAHA
The kids were in charge of making name tags for the table.

Family photos…yeah!!  Although the kids were not exactly excited about taking a million photos, they hung in there for us adults.

I don’t know why we didn’t get any pictures of Rocky, but we actually had 3 dogs.  So after they ran around in the yard and took 2 walks, they were tired.